
How Does CoolSculpting in Charlotte Work? 3 FAQs Answered

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Cosmetic surgery is big business, and it’s getting bigger – every year, millions of people across the United States undergo procedures to help them look younger, thinner and more attractive. Here’s the problem: Some of those procedures are potentially dangerous.

How Does Coolsculpting Work

A recent survey by showed that 1 in 5 American women are planning or actively pursuing elective cosmetic surgery. This explains why there were just over 15 million cosmetic procedures in 2013, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons – and they resulted in a total of $12.6 billion in revenue.

Fortunately, there are non-invasive and cost-effective options that won’t put you at risk. CoolSculpting is a relatively new, scientifically proven procedure that shapes unsightly body fat using a process called “cryolipolysis,” in which fatty tissue is frozen and your body expels it naturally.

If you are keen to try CoolSculpting in Charlotte, contact Evolve Medical Associates. We will answer your questions and explain what you can expect before, during and after your CoolSculpting procedure.

The Evolve team can address a wide range of cosmetic issues. We offer a combination of spa treatments, skin care services and body contouring. Call (704) 610-5776 to schedule a consultation.

Here are the answers to three FAQs about CoolSculpting:

  1. How Does CoolSculpting Work?

During the procedure, your practitioner will attach an applicator to the targeted area and take aim at fatty tissue just below your skin. Although CoolSculpting will freeze fatty tissue, the process does not affect surrounding skin and muscles.

The magic behind CoolSculpting is a process known as apoptosis, or controlled cell death – which eliminates fat deposits and contours the body.

  1. How Effective Is CoolSculpting?

A multitude of clinical studies have proven that CoolSculpting is effective for reducing the appearance of fat and contouring the body’s silhouette. One such study, published in the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, showed that CoolSculpting reduces subcutaneous fat by as much as 25 percent after treatment, and 86 percent of patients reported significant positive results.

The study also showed that after one CoolSculpting session, the targeted fat tissue continues to reduce for months. Some patients saw a 2-centimeter reduction on average in waist circumference for up to 12 weeks after a single session.

  1. Is CoolSculpting Safe?

A study review published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine collected data from years of CoolSculpting sessions to examine the safety and satisfaction of patients. The paper reported no significant adverse side effects – which might be why CoolSculpting is, to date, still the only FDA-approved fat-freezing procedure in the United States.

In addition to being safe and effective, CoolSculpting is more convenient than invasive surgeries. CoolSculpting reviews often refer to the treatment as “the lunchtime procedure” because most patients can return to normal activities immediately after a session.

Are you interested in booking a CoolSculpting treatment in Charlotte? Contact Evolve Medical Associates. We personalize every procedure to ensure the results look natural. Call (704) 610-5776 to schedule a consultation.